domingo, 18 de marzo de 2007

What is life, but a mere preface of the real thing?

Today, the 18th of march 2007, a wonderful soul has gone to meet her Savior, to claim her reward. She lived a life not for herself, which is the ordinary way in these times that we’re living in. But she chose rather to give her life for others, and to give it in service to He whom she loved most of all, the One who was there by her side every moment, who eased all her pain and understood all her heartcries during her life, Jesus, our Husband and Lover. Victoria was a real fighter in the spirit, despite the many difficulties that life threw at her, she always put on a brave face and learnt to trust and rest in the Lord for everything, knowing that out of every difficulty came a chance to rise a step higher, to learn one more lesson, to become more like Him. She braved the winds of adversity with unearthly courage and faith, knowing the the Captain she chose for her vessel was the most learned in the art of sailing, and knew how to come to port safely even through the toughest and strongest storms. She suffered from cancer for many years, and polio since she was a kid, yet what kept her going on even when the doctors gave her for a lost case was her love for Jesus; from Him she received the strength to live every single day, and nowhere else.

She was a woman that loved life, she appreciated and enjoyed life’s little joys and happinesses: going out to a restaurant, spending an afternoon with her grandchildren, going out for a walk and admiring the Lord’s creation, enjoying a good glass of wine, or simply having a good laugh and having fun with friends, but now she’s in a better Place, where she can enjoy all those things one hundred times more, where sensations reach their climax and can even be tasted or touched with the hands. She will no longer have her spirit bound by this earthly body, for in truth, hers was an adventurous spirit, one full of life and activity, one that always wanted to be free, who wanted to do so many things, bigger things, but always found the barrier of the flesh... oh how happy she might be now that she is not restrained any more by all these earthly things... now she can be her true self, reach the highest mountain peaks and fly as a bird way up high, where before, only eagles soared.

May her memory remain as a powerful testimony for al those that knew her and all those that happen to visit this blog, dedicated to a wonderful person, Victoria.

8 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Dedicated to the loving memory of Victoria

It needs so little sympathy
To cheer a weary way,
Sometimes a little kindness
Lights up a dreary day;
A very simple, friendly word
May hope and strength impart,
Or just an understanding smile
Revive some fainting heart;
And, like a sudden sunlit ray,
Lighting a darkened room,
A sunny spirit may beguile
The deepest depths of gloom.

I feel this poem expresses so well all the wonderful little things she did every day in her quiet, unassuming way, not seeking recognition or putting herself on show.
Another thing that I truly admire was her strength of spirit. It was always an encouragement to me, especially during the times when I was battling considerably during my eye operations. I felt that if she could stay positive and trusting, then I could too.
There are so many things that come to mind, I just don't think I can do the subject justice.
I consider myself priviledged to have known her and look forward to the day where we will all be reunited again. --Till then, I’m sure she’ll make a great spirit helper. ;)

Anónimo dijo...

I never really had the honor of knowing Victoria personally. I only met her once, but what I did gather from that one meeting was that she had a true fighting spirit. She didn't let her physical condition affect her attitude. I was passing by, and saw that she was trying to turn on a light with of those pull-string switches. I didn't think she would have much success considering she was balancing on crutches at the same time, so I offered to help her. "No no, let me do it!" she said. And she somehow snagged that string, using her crutches like giant chopsticks; I was most impressed! I only hope that if I ever have half as many difficulties as she did, I will be able to display that same strength of spirit. There is never an excuse to say, "It can't be done."

Anónimo dijo...

I never met Victoria but I heard what others said about her which spoke loudly of her sample as a dedicated & loving disciple of Jesus. Hearing of her struggles & how she bravely & cheerfully faced them encouraged me to face my small trials by comparison with a more positive outlook.
She was & is an embodiment of what rising above adverse circumstances means.

Anónimo dijo...

Victoria was always the embodiment of that verse "for the testings of these times seem not joyous but grevious, yet they yield the peaceable fruits of righteousness to those who are excercised thereby". She was a beautiful person, and is now a beautiful and eternal soul. Those who did not have the honor to meet her will know her greatest qualities in her children, all of whom are great peoople and truly must be a pride for Victoria. May the thought of the wonderful rewards she has stored up for her in heaven help to relieve some of the suffering that I know they must be going through. Victoria was a sample to us all and one day we will see her in all her true splendor and glory, but until that day we have the memory of a truly wonderful, loving, faithful, selfless sister in the Lord.
Much love to Esty, Maria, Juan and Ana Rosa. Praying for you.

Anónimo dijo...

Hace más de 30 años que conocí a Victoria, cuando era muy joven y llena de ilusión y esperanza. Yo visitaba diariamente el hogar y en cierta ocasión me dijo: Toma, lee esta carta porque te va a cambiar la vida…. Se la veía muy feliz y convencida y tenía razón, la carta era “Para, mira, escucha” y mi vida cambió cuando comprendí su significado. Otro día encontré a Victoria más feliz que de costumbre, muy atareada y muy feliz y me dijo que se iba a casar con Juan y que después tenían proyectos para ir a Argentina. Muchos hermanos en España estaban revolucionados preparándose también para viajar allá y yo compartía su emoción ayudándoles en lo que podía. Después de un tiempo les visité y comprobé la obra que el Señor estaba haciendo a través de ellos especialmente de Victoria y Juan como pastores recogiendo una cosecha de fogosos hermanos y hermanas Argentinos.

No volví a ver a Victoria hasta pasados unos años, cuando volvió a Madrid con sus 4 hijos, llena de fruto como una espiga que ha crecido a costa del grano “Si el grano de trigo no cae en la tierra y muere, queda solo, pero si muere lleva mucho fruto.” Así ha sido Victoria, no quiso quedarse sola lamentando su situación y limitaciones, al contrario, se convirtió en un referente para todos los que la conocían por su entrega, amor, alegría y por su eficacia en todo su trabajo de testificación, provisión y organización. Incluso cuando el Señor la tocó con la enfermedad, siguió adelante trabajando entre tratamiento y tratamiento, amando a sus hijos y derramando fe y confianza. Gracias Victoria. Has sido un gran ejemplo para mí y no te olvidaré.

Quiero compartir también que ahora, cuando pienso en ti, te veo radiante flotando libremente, sin esos apoyos llamados muletas, con una expresión maravillosa y una luz tan grande que desdibuja un poco tu figura. ¡Hasta pronto! ¡Cuando Dios quiera! ¡Aleluya!

Anónimo dijo...

My first memories of Victoria were when I met the Family in Madrid many years ago… She didn’t allow her handicap to stop her from being all she could be for the Lord: she would be litnessing in the streets or at the stop lights day in and day out, meeting with the sheep at the park, or singing and witnessing to the visitors for hours… I would marvel at her joy, enthusiasm and boldness. Her passion for the Lord was contagious… what a sample to all who knew her!

Anónimo dijo...

I always liked Victoria, she was such a brave, sweet and nice auntie...but Im sure shes much better of in heaven now

Anónimo dijo...

Victoria was always and will always be someone that I look up to and wish to be more like.
Her sample of faith and patience will for ever stay with me!
She also had a great sense of humor despite her condition.
I lover her tons!